You are Chosen, make no mistake about it! We are happy to announce the cast of the gospel stage play "I Almost Gave Up!" This cast is CHOSEN for such a time as this! We have some Returners and Newcomers! We are super excited about this Cast of multi-gifted Drama Ministry Artists!!!
As we dive into this play season please be sure to buckle your seatbelts as we take you on a journey! We have all said "I give up" at some point in our life but did you know that because you are chosen by God; He never gives up on us! Don't Give Up!
This gospel stage play will allow you to experience the highs and lows in the lives of these characters. You will recognize some of your favorite characters from our prior production "Who Knew?" Can you guess who will make an appearance? Be prepared to laugh, cry, sing, worship, praise, fuss at characters, lol and shout Hallelujah!
Be sure to subscribe to our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @chichimaplays and subscribe to our ChichiMa Productions YouTube Channel. Follow us on our social media platforms and receive first looks at tickets, cast spotlights, rehearsals peaks, giveaways and more!
Congratulations once more to the Cast of "I Almost Gave Up!" ChichiMa Productions brings you another original script written by Sylvia Woods and original music penned by J. Mark Woods! No recorded music at a ChichiMa Production but instead we have live music produced by A. Chester Townsel & The C Sharp Band!! Sylvia and Mark are a Dynamic Duo who are a true Power Couple, powered by God and they have done it again with this production!!!!!
Be sure to FOLLOW this new Blog for all things ChichiMa! Also and very important, ChichiMa Productions is looking for Sponsors; with Sponsorship comes VIP Mega Perks! Please visit our website for Sponsorship information. Our sponsorships packages are very reasonable. It might be better to sponsor versus purchasing VIP tickets; check it out! We also accept Donations of any amount so hit the DONATE button at our website . We are a tax exempt 501C3 organization and we are fueled by your support. Let's Gooooooo!!
